Tuesday 31 May 2016

X-Men: Apocalypse

First film in a NZ cinema. Check. Good price at a tenner and no complaints with the premises (aside from an electrical ticking noise in my left ear and, in fairness, that may have only been in MY left ear).

OK. X-Men: Apocalypse now. Honestly, I've seen so many of these kinds of films at the cinema in the past decade or so, that I'm feeling a bit jaded about writing this up. No reflection on the film itself, it's a perfectly fine super hero/mutant/special powers blockbuster type thingy. I don't know, maybe I need to watch something less....less....ostentatious? Less ubiquitous? I'll sort that out soonish.

So, notes then, eh? And these are the notes I made right after watching the film (except for the last one). Possible spoilery notes, please beware.

Psylocke big winner - slinks away not joining the victorious xmen.

Nice way El Sabah Nur recruited - not magic, just promises of power and revenge.

Of course, Jean Grey is the match winner using the Phoenix Force.

Wolverine cameo longer than First Class but no dialogue. Still quite cool and brutal.

Many threads left hanging (Stryker,  Psylocke, Weapon X in sting, Eric, etc)

Oscar Isaac pretty good villain but, as usual, the portent is more impressive than the actions. They all talk a good game.

Singer had a little swipe at X-3 (?) as the kids come out of Return of the Jedi, Jean says "at least we can all agree that the 3rd is always the worst".

Oh, almost forgot Quicksilver repeating his slow motion antics from the best scene in the previous film. Needless to say, not as fresh here. Even a bit naffly comedic. 

Well, that was quick. Looking to get my verve back at a later date. Ciao.

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