Friday 15 July 2011


I just watched A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) for the first time and was on the negative side of ambivalent by the end. It starts well enough and sets up a promising outcome but the second half plays out like a solemn episode of Futurama . And it was boring. And that's the crux of the problem - Spielberg and boredom.

I've had a glance over his body of work (as director) and I can safely say only Jaws and Raiders of the Lost Ark were any good. Some of the others may have had their moments (Close Encounters, Duel, Minority Report) but they don't deliver the complete package. I think Spielberg's attempts to make 'worthy' films (Schindler's List, The Color Purple, Amistad, Munich) have led him to cut back on the excitement levels in these and even in his 'entertainments'.

He's a very talented technician but he doesn't hold a candle to creative film-makers like Christopher Nolan, the Coens or even Scorsese, just to mention a few.

Any thoughts?

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